Following drinks and passed hors d'oeuvres, guests will be directed to their seats prior to being invited to enjoy a buffet including chicken, fish, beef, veggies, and potatoes provided by Gourmet Galley for dinner. A vegetarian option for dinner is available and can be requested by contacting Matt or Tia.
Harkness Memorial State Park offers plenty of parking for visitors.
Directions to Harkness
From I-95 South: Go to exit 81. At the end of the ramp, turn From I-95 South: Go to exit 81. At the end of the ramp, turn left onto access road and proceed to stop light. At light, turn left onto Cross Road and continue to intersection with Boston Post Road, Route 1. Turn left and continue to light at Avery Lane; turn right. Avery will become Great Neck Road, route 213. The park will be two miles ahead on the right.
From I-95 North: Go to exit 75, bear right at end of exit ramp and proceed onto Boston Post Road, Route 1. Go 3 miles to Avery Lane and proceed as described above.
Schedule of Events
Guest Arrival 4-4:30pm
Ceremony Begins 4:30pm
Guest Walk to the Mansion 4:55pm
Cocktails & Hors D'oeuvres 5:00pm
Guests Gather Under the Tent 6:00pm
Introduction & Toasts 6:10 pm
Dinner Service 6:30pm
First Dance 8:00pm
Dessert & Dancing! 8:10pm
Bar Shuts Down 9:30pm
Event Ends 10pm